Toward racial equity

We are in a moment.
It's time for each of us to reflect on the role we will play in moving our business community, country and society forward. This site provides a deeper understanding of the intersections of race and equity. It will educate, inform, raise awareness, and help build a community that embraces racial equity in the workplace.
CenterState CEO is ready to partner with you on this journey.
It's time to take action

Take the Pledge
Step up as a leader. Pledge to promote and advocate for sustainable initiatives on racial equity.
Central New York’s Business Equity Pledge is a regional effort to build and promote more equitable workplaces in Central New York, and to drive meaningful progress on community-wide equity goals. It is our time! This is an opportunity to build a thriving and more robust business community by diversifying companies, building more inclusive workspaces, and challenging ourselves as leaders to change the status quo.
Join us to create a Central New York that demonstrates how innovation, collaboration, and addressing racial equity and social inclusion helps companies thrive and prosper, keeps our economy strong, and our future bright. Take the Pledge!
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A welcome message from:
Rob Simpson, President, CenterState CEO
Melanie Littlejohn, CenterState CEO Board of Directors
ASSESS. learn. engage.
Now is the time to start.
Take advantage of CEO’s free, self-paced learning resources, curated online assets and assessment tools. View the Glossary to understand key terms, take Harvard University’s Project Implicit self assessment or test your attitude toward social justice with the Anti-Defamation League self-assessment, or take a Micro-course on racial equity, and more.
diversity & equity Training services
Take the next step in your organization’s journey toward a more inclusive and welcoming workplace.
CenterState CEO offers a suite of fee-based diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) corporate training services to the business community through its Racial Equity and Social Impact (RESI) division, including:
Keynote Speaker Session
C-Suite Experience
Lead for Change Experience
Race Dialogues
Leadership and Professional Development Courses
Sessions are designed to engage and empower staff at all levels on issues of race and equity, helping companies and their teams understand, contextualize and lead on issues in the workplace. To inquire about customized curriculum packages, please contact Dr. Rogers at or visit the DEI Services page to learn more.
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MEEt Dr. J
Connect with CenterState CEO VP of Racial Equity & Social Impact Dr. Juhanna Rogers.
Dr. Juhanna Rogers is a critical race scholar and leads CenterState CEO’s Racial Equity and Social Impact portfolio focused on prioritizing race and equity work within the organization, community and beyond. Whether you are an employee, a business owner or executive, she is here to help.
Read Dr. J’s Blog featuring key insight on diversity, equity and inclusion topics. Or Ask Dr. J your racial equity and social impact questions. Your question may be featured here on this site.
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